Vidkid Timo's Online Diary

The diary of Vidkid Timo
-� boring details of my life� -

So, today is March 15th, by the old Roman calendar, the ides of March. Every month has an ides... this one just happens to resonate because Julius Caesar got the 13th and 15th mixed up (the ides of some months fall on the 13th) and he dropped his guard, which allowed for his brutal stabbing... by his friend Brutus... and a bunch of brutish senators. Silly Ceasar, soothsayers are seldom specious... (say that 10 times, very fast)

In 2003, the entry on this date was called: beware the ides of March... really

In 2002, the entry on this date was called: beware the ides of March

In 2001, the entry on this date was called: the ides of March

Yep... I've been doin' this diary for a long, long time.

My friend Heather told me she's about to have minor surgery AND get married. I wish her luck with both.

My old travel-buddy Aaron Lawrence (of emailed. It's always nice to hear from him. Brandon Baker (of also wrote, the dear. And lots of my friend and fans are forwarding copies of the supportive emails they sent to the editor of relating to my first BLATHER column (about celebrity enemas). Awesome!

I'm feeling a bit better today, but still sick. I made copies, went to the post office twice, watched MONSTER HOUSE with Philip... I made lasagna for dinner (trying to get rid of all the carbs in the pantry and freezer)... all in all, a stab-free ides!

And that was March, 15th, 2004.

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