Timo and Philip got married

The diary of Vidkid Timo
- the echo of a happily retired videographer -

I suppose since I haven't written in my diary for nearly a year... I should let you (my friends and fans) know why I stopped writing in it.

In those horrible days after hurricane Katrina, being sick to my stomach watching what was going on (via CNN) wondering and worrying about my friends in New Orleans and on the gulf coast, and still dealing with the dull ache of grieving for my friend Denny, I got another bit of sad news. Our friend, former radio talk show host, David Tyree, passed away (after a long battle with cancer).

That really impacted me. I wasn't paralyzed with depression or anything, but it was kind of the straw that broke the camel's back... something snapped inside of me... and I guess I had a mental/emotion growth spurt (which was loooooooooooooooong overdue).

I didn't realize how it would change my life at first. I actually thought I'd feel more like myself when the grief subsided... but time has proven that the changes are most likely permanent. Put simply, I lost interest in many things, my diary being one of those things. Like my mother with her crystal... the diary served a purpose in my life, I loved writing it, loved the attention I got from it, loved the entertainment I provided for others... but now that time is done.

It should be noted that the deaths didn't stop with Denny and David... three more friends died in the following months. My friend Dianna's sweet husband Gary died (again, cancer) and my friend Clifton passed that very same weekend (internal bleeding after breaking his collar bone, not wanting medical treatment). And a couple months after that, the incomparable Mr. Leslie also died.

Five friends all dead in the span of a year.

But despite those tragic events, many wonderful things also happened since I stopped writing daily entries in my diary. I reconnected with two dear old friends, Effie (from my hometown) and Beth (who I went to elementary school with. I also had the pleasure of being present at Effie's wedding to the love of her life, Jeannie! And speaking of weddings, my niece Alicia also finally got married to her long-time beaux, Perry.

So, anyway... my "daily" diary is done. I am plenty busy (and happy) watering plants, changing kitty litter and making Philip's dinner. But I will try to make at least one or two "epilogue" entries per year... so you'll know we haven't fallen off of the face of the planet.

So, thanks to all of you who have enjoyed my diary... and were sweet enough to write and tell me so.

Your friend always,
the artist formerly known as Vidkid Timo

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