Vidkid Timo's Online Diary

The diary of Vidkid Timo
a testament of my insanity

Philip is feeling almost back to normal, except for his wrist being sore and his fingers being swollen and bruised... I try to do as much for him as possible (lifting things, opening things, etc.) but he's a very stubborn patient... thinks he's Superman. But he does follow his doctor's pill-popping directions to the letter!

The day was fairly typical... Philip went over to his renovation house to let in a guy who did an estimate of how much it'll cost to repair the foundation piers... the damage was so extensive that he has to bring another guy back on Monday.

I got a call from a hottie who wants to film... he'll come over next Tuesday to talk about that. Then on my walk to the gym I ran into my old neighbor (Mia) and she said that she knows of a sexy guy with the biggest dick she's ever seen that would like to break into the biz. And then at the gym, one of the guys who works behind the desk (Frank) said that he'd given my biz card to a cute boy who works at one of the local gay bars who said he was interested in doing some porn. Wow... if I only had some money to pay these guys!

I got to see and catch up with my friend Sparky at the gym. He's completely tattooed all over his body... except for his back... which I'm sure will fill up eventually!

Paul G. and Sexy Sam drove in from Baton Rouge to meet up with Nathan, Philip and myself to go see the new Varla Jean Merman show... UNDER A BIG TOP at Le Chat Noir. It was wonderful! I love how all the circus metaphors relate to the self-acceptance of her own inner-clown.

This was the first Varla show that Nathan had ever seen live. Nathan, Cameron and I actually had cameo roles in one of the videos, but our scene hit the cutting-room floor! After the show Varla took off her drag and became Jeff... and he said that our scene would be included on the upcoming dvd.

Hunky David J. was tending bar at Le Chat Noir. It's always nice to see him. Oh my god, Alexander was also there with one of my former-flames (Zane S.) and his roommate from Baton Rouge! Alexander has bulked up and his grown out his hair. He looks SO GOOD!

The most remarkable part of last night was that being around Zane was tolerable. If you read my diary faithfully, you might remember that every time I've seen Zane over the past three years I get a horrible pain in my stomach... and my thoughts are drawn back to the time when my heart was broken when our romance didn't pan out. Well, I must finally be done grieving... because I felt no pain... just calm amusement. Zane is such a huge Varla fan... I'm glad I'll be able to deal with being around him if only for that reason.

Paul, Sam, Nathan, Philip and I all ate some greasy food at Trolley Stop Cafe then we all filtered back to our apartment. Nathan went home... Sam and Paul stayed and talked for a while.

My brother Sean came to town to try to get into the Sugar Bowl tomorrow. He parked in the Venus Gardens lot downstairs and came up to visit with us for a while. He hadn't seen Paul G. since Buck (Sean's toddler son, my nephew) was like a week old... and through conversing we found out that Sean used to work with Sam's mom's boyfriend at the paper mill in St. Francisville (where my father worked for many years and now where my brother works). So my brother has met Sam's mom (Rocky)! Small world, huh?

Sean eventually left to go party in the French Quarter... Paul and Sam had to go back to Baton Rouge because of an early appointment tomorrow... and Philip and I popped Ambien and watched cartoons 'til bedtime on this very full and pleasant Saturday, January 3rd, 2004.

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